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1 0 Ways Everyone Can Benefit From Counseling Even If You Dont Think You Need It


Lots of people feel nervous about going to therapy or think that they don't really need it. But, there are so many benefits of counseling that everyone can enjoy. Read on to learn how therapy can help you.

Keyword(s): Primary: benefits of counseling Secondary: talk therapy, what is therapy, benefits of therapy

How happy are you?

It's a simple question, yet only 33% of Americans perceive themselves to be very happy.

With the demands of everyday life, it can be difficult to determine what stands in the way of our happiness. Whether you're reeling from a breakup, coping with the stress of a new job or in need of some guidance with a big life decision, talking it out can help.

Here are 10 ways to feel the benefits of counseling, and unlock the best version of yourself.

1. Gain a Different Perspective

We are essentially our own worst enemies. Low self-esteem and "overthinking" can create problems in our lives that aren't really there.

One of the main benefits of therapy is the ability to step outside of ones perceived self and gain a new perspective on reality. A therapist can tell it to you straight and show you the positive side of a situation that you may not have considered yourself.

A new perspective can help you to feel less resentment towards your demanding boss, opinionated in-law, or bragging best friend. This new outlook can lead to a sunnier disposition at work, home and in social settings.

2. Figure Out Your Love Life

Whether you're going through a breakup, coupled up, or living the single life, there are many ups and downs of love and it can be helpful to talk through them.

If you're looking for love in all the wrong places, therapy can help you determine why these relationships continue to fail. Perhaps you keep falling for the wrong type, or you have commitment issues of your own that need addressing.

Couples counseling has saved many a marriage by strengthening communication between partners and talking through underlying issues.

3. Establish a Sense of Self

The demands of everyday life can tend to make us feel as though we are just going through the motions. Lines blur, redundancy kicks in, and we can become a bit numb to how we actually feel about the things that are happening in our lives.

Self-awareness is a big benefit of therapy. Talk therapy allows us to get inside our heads and analyze what day-to-day problems we are facing. It can bring up issues of the past that we have not yet let go.

Becoming more aware of our true emotions lets us face problems head-on. This can stop us before we turn passive-aggressive, cynical or burnt out. This, in turn, allows us to become a better and happier version of ourselves.

4. Enter a No Judgement Zone

When fighting with your boyfriend, why do your single gal pals always respond with this: "Just break up with him!"?

When asking advice from a biased party, it leaves us subject to judgments, ulterior motives, and dishonest feedback. A therapist remains neutral and analyzes the entire situation before coming to any conclusions. You can expect truthful answers and for your best interest to be the top priority.

A professional will also provide you with confidentiality and fully undivided attention during your therapy session. No disruptions, no subject changes, and no worrying about your private life becoming public.

5. Make It All About You

Talk therapy is one situation where you can't feel guilty for making it all about yourself.

You no doubt do a great deal for your significant other, parents, kids, and boss. Therapy is a chance to put yourself first and vent about your feelings, inspirations, and setbacks.

It's ok to be a little selfish when it comes to your mental health. Taking the time to voice your emotions to a professional will leave you clear-headed and ready to take on all your life roles.

6. Get Answers and Solve Problems

Despite what Hollywood and social media may portray, there's no such thing as a perfect life. We all have past experiences that evoke some sort of hurt, grief or anger.

Rather than push these feelings deep down, we can choose to talk about them, get to the underlying issue, and learn how to better manage our feelings.

Unsolved personal issues or traumas can come back to create anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.

About 26% of the population is enduring some form of mental illness, with the early 20's being an average age for a mental breakdown. So if we choose to be proactive early on, we can possibly prevent an episode from occurring.

7. Say No to Substance Abuse

People with unstable mental health are more likely to seek self-medication through drugs and alcohol. Abusing drugs and alcohol rather than seeking medical attention can lead to addiction, depression, and anxiety.

Therapy helps us to determine the deep-rooted causes of our problems, and work to better manage our emotions. Establishing self-control over these types of feelings leave us less likely to turn to mental, physical or substance abuse.

8. Stress Less

Work demands, money issues, and unrealistic expectations are everyday stressors of life that can damper the happiest of people.

Currently, 63% of Americans are anxious over the future of our nation. They fear for crime, terrorism, taxes, and possible war. This level of stress is affecting all generations, taking a toll on our wellbeing.

It's time we talked to somebody about it. What is therapy if not a natural way for our bodies to feel some form of tension release? It's a support structure that allows us to get things off our chest and hope for a better tomorrow.

Rather than prescribing medication, therapists may recommend other outlets such as hypnotherapy, yoga, or meditation. Talking about these issues can help to rewire our brains so that we may better learn to deal with stressors.

9. Make the World a Better Place

Those who internalize their negative thoughts and emotions affect those around them. Friends or colleagues who manipulate or humiliate others are often working through issues of their own. Children who bully their peers are often hurting on the inside.

Talk therapy helps to stop internalizing these feelings and to become more cautious of how our actions are affecting those around us. We begin to treat our family, loved ones, colleagues and even strangers with greater respect. Talking it out can, in turn, help humanity.

10. Because Life Happens

New career, new baby, new house, new spouse...transitions happen and the human species sometimes have difficulty dealing with change.

Perhaps you just packed up your whole family and moved across the country for a new job. Saying goodbye to friends, leaving behind a childhood home and enrolling in a new school can create a lot of mixed emotions for kids. Family therapy is one way to help your child communicate and get through any issues they may have.

Adolescents can utilize the benefits of therapy, making them feel more secure, connected and understood during times of transition.

The Benefits of Counseling, for a Better You

There you have it, the true benefits of counseling and how it can ultimately improve your happiness.

When considering therapy, there are many questions about what one can expect during a session. Learn more about the who, what and why with this list of the most common counseling questions.

Now look forward to increased awareness, communication, and support for evoking a new way of life.

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