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Marathon Therapy and Divorce Intervention

Marathon Therapy for Divorce Intervention 

An intensive therapy and dynamically capable alternative to traditional weekly sessions in Gottman Method Couples Therapy and and Intervention Therapy approach that can:

Save your Marriage with a condensed and focused approach to marriage counseling that will provide you with the time you need to address specific issues and get your relationship back on track. 

In response to an overwhelming emotional trauma such as the discovery of an infidelity most couples will think they have little choice but to divorce. The shame of infidelity often overrides the fact that most affairs are loveless flights into fantasy, and are short lived, but the damage is long lasting for the family and everything they built together. Add attorneys and well meaning angry friends to the mix, and surely the only solution will be divorce....

We can offer emergency intervention with the sole purpose of "talking the couple off the Fence", helping them identify the challenges they are facing and coming up with creative solutions towards forgiveness, trust, honesty, love, and reconnection. In short, the affair is the symptom not the problem.

So the idea is to offer an intensive treatment approach tailored specifically for couples whose relationship is on the rocks either because of an affair, emotional disconnection, or chronic unhappiness. Often referred to as Marathon or Intensive Couples Therapy, this approach is effective for couples interested in repairing, or enhancing their relationship with the support and expertise of a therapist or two therapists. We can achieve in several hours what may take weeks or months to resolve and by then it may be too late.

Over the course of several hours on a weekend, couples will:

1.Identify the problem(s) and barriers to resolving them
2.Begin to rebuild trust and honesty
3.Make reparations where necessary
4.Discover creative solutions to reconnect as a family and be open to greater intimacy
5.Assume responsibility for the relationship and not take each other for granted

Marathon Therapy for Divorce Intervention is an intensive therapy and dynamically capable alternative to traditional weekly sessions in Gottman Method Couples Therapy and and Intervention Therapy approach that can:

Save your marriage!

Save your relationships!

Save your job!

Save your life!

Become the best version of yourself!

Avoid Divorce and Financial Ruin!

Reduce Stress!

Get in touch or meet Our Therapists, After a short assessment our staff will help set you up with the best option for you to start your marathon sessions.

  • marathon therapy sessions, Intensive Therapy, intensive counseling, marathon therapy, divorce intervention, marathon therapy, marathon couples therapy, group couples counseling, group marriage counseling, marathon marriage counseling, intensive marriage therapy, intensive couples therapy

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